Links and resources on leadership, personal development, entrepreneurship, and social entrepreneurship, curated by Gregg Vanourek (@gvanourek)
- Alignment: How to Align Your Organization for Peak Performance. Alignment is essential to creating and sustaining the conditions for peak performance.
- *Alignment Scorecard. With this Alignment Scorecard, you can assess your organization’s level of alignment and make plans for improving it.
- A-to-Z Guide to Good Leadership Practices. Everything you want to know about good leadership, all in one place, with links to relevant articles.
- Book Club Discussion Guide for Triple Crown Leadership. Helpful for team-building, leadership development, and team alignment.
- Company Culture Resources. Examples from top organizations with culture codes, culture-building best practices, and related videos.
- *Crafting Your Life & Work online course to help you find happiness, fulfillment, and success doing what you love.
- Entrepreneurship Resources. Links to web sites, blogs, apps, and more re. startups and social enterprises.
- *Goal-Setting Template to help you set goals you can achieve based on best practices (beyond SMART goals).
- *Goals Guide: Best Practices in Setting and Pursuing Goals, a 30-page guide to walk you through this important process.
- Happiness Series. Best articles on happiness by Gregg Vanourek.
- Interviewing for Heart. Tips on interviewing for “heart” matters like character, resilience, and passion, not just “head” matters like knowledge & skills.
- Leadership Bookshelf. Recommended books on leadership as well as personal development, sustainability, entrepreneurship, and ethics.
- *Leadership Derailers Assessment. Identify what’s inhibiting your leadership effectiveness–and what to do about it.
Leadership Derailers Assessment
Take this assessment to identify what’s inhibiting your leadership effectiveness. It will help you develop self-awareness and identify ways to improve your leadership.
- Passion Probe to help you find the things that consume you with palpable emotion over time
- Personal Development Resources. Curated list of the best books, web sites, & podcasts related to personal development, self leadership, and life design.
- *Personal Values Exercise. Identify your personal values: what you believe and stand for, and your convictions about what is most important in life.
Personal Values Exercise
Complete this exercise to identify your personal values. It will help you develop self-awareness, including clarity about what’s most important to you in life and work, and serve as a safe harbor for you to return to when things are tough.
- *Quality of Life Assessment. Discover your strongest areas and the areas that need work.
- Servant Leadership Series. The best articles on servant leadership by Gregg Vanourek and Bob Vanourek.
- Social Entrepreneurship Resources. List of the best books & organizations related to social enterprise & social entrepreneurship.
- *Strengths Search tool to help you identify your core strengths and figure out ways to integrate them more into your life and work.
Strengths Search
We all have core strengths–the things in which we most excel. Take this self-assessment to determine your core strengths so you can integrate them more into your life and work.
- Sweden Startups and Social Enterprise Resources. Web sites & resources on startups and social enterprises in Sweden and the Nordics.
- *Traps Test (Common Traps of Living). Determine what’s getting in the way of your happiness, quality of life, and fulfillment.
Take the Traps Test
We all fall into traps in life. Often we’re not even aware of them. Check out these common traps of living to see what’s inhibiting your quality of life and fulfillment.
Leaders Speak Interview Series:
For our book, Triple Crown Leadership: Building Excellent, Ethical, and Enduring Organizations, we interviewed leaders in 61 organizations in 11 countries. Here are edited excerpts of many of those interviews:
- Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), Thomas McCoy, Former EVP, Legal, Corporate, and Public Affairs: “Values-Based Leadership with an Indomitable Will”
- Baltimore City Schools, Dr. Andres Alonso, CEO: “Turning Around a School System”
- Bright Horizons Family Solutions, Mary Ann Tocio, President and COO: “Creating a Great Place to Work”
- Ch2m Hill: Nancy Tuor, Former Group President: “The Job of a Lifetime: Leading an Incredible Transformation”
- ChinaNetCloud: Steve Mushero, Co-Founder, CEO, and CTO: “Leading a Tech Startup in China”
- Clif Bar and Company: Kit Crawford, Co-Owner and Co-CEO: “Sustainable Leadership”
- DuPont Corporation: John Krol, former Chairman and CEO: “It Takes Teamwork, Trust, and Values to Win”
- Giraff Technologies: Stephen Von Rump, former CEO and Cofounder: “What’s Different About Leading Startups?”
- Greensburg GreenTown: Daniel Wallach, Founder and Executive Director: “Rebuilding Green After a Tornado”
- Institute for Enterprise Ethics: Dr. Daniel Sweeney, Director: “Breakdowns and Trans-Generational Culture”
- Mayo Clinic: Dr. Leonard Berry & Dr. Kent Seltman: “What Makes Mayo Clinic Great”
- Medtronic: Bill George, former CEO: “Translating Mission & Values into Results”
- MidCountry Financial Corporation: Robert Hatcher, President and CEO: “Building a Values-Based Company”
- North Castle Partners: Charles Baird, Managing Partner: “Value and Values”
- Perkins School for the Blind: Steven Rothstein, President: “A Tireless Focus on Excellence”
- Pitney Bowes: Michael Critelli, former Chairman and CEO: “Adaptable Leadership”
- Princeton University: Dr. Shirley Tilghman, President: “Leading a World-Class Institution”
- Quovadx: Harvey Wagner, former CEO: “Bending the Focus of a Company”
- The SEED Foundation: Eric Adler and Raj Vinnakota, Co-Founders: “Making It Work as Co-Founders”
- Share Our Strength: Bill Shore, Founder and Executive Director: “Leadership for Bold Social Impact”
- Strategic Air Command: General John Chain, former Commander in Chief: “Do What’s Right”
- Tyco International: Edward Breen, CEO, and Jack Krol, former Chairman: “Why Tyco Threw Out Its Entire Board”
- University of Denver: Dan Ritchie, former Chancellor: “Transforming a University”
- Vanguard Group: John Bogle, Founder: “Vanguard’s Values-Based Visionary”
- Xerox: Ursula Burns, CEO: “A Vision of Great Leadership”
- Zappos: Tony Hsieh, CEO: “Values and Culture Key to Success”
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