
Links and resources on leadership, personal development, entrepreneurship, and social entrepreneurship, curated by Gregg Vanourek (@gvanourek)

Leadership Derailers Assessment

Take this assessment to identify what’s inhibiting your leadership effectiveness. It will help you develop self-awareness and identify ways to improve your leadership.


  • Passion Probe to help you find the things that consume you with palpable emotion over time
  • Personal Development Resources. Curated list of the best books, web sites, & podcasts related to personal development, self leadership, and life design.
  • *Personal Values Exercise. Identify your personal values: what you believe and stand for, and your convictions about what is most important in life.

Personal Values Exercise

Complete this exercise to identify your personal values. It will help you develop self-awareness, including clarity about what’s most important to you in life and work, and serve as a safe harbor for you to return to when things are tough.


Strengths Search

We all have core strengths–the things in which we most excel. Take this self-assessment to determine your core strengths so you can integrate them more into your life and work.


Take the Traps Test

We all fall into traps in life. Often we’re not even aware of them. Check out these common traps of living to see what’s inhibiting your quality of life and fulfillment.


Leaders Speak Interview Series:

For our book, Triple Crown Leadership: Building Excellent, Ethical, and Enduring Organizations, we interviewed leaders in 61 organizations in 11 countries. Here are edited excerpts of many of those interviews:

Triple Crown Leadership Newsletter

Join our community. Sign up now and get our monthly inspirations (new articles, announcements, opportunities, resources, and more). Welcome!

Leadership Derailers Assessment

Take this assessment to identify what’s inhibiting your leadership effectiveness. It will help you develop self-awareness and identify ways to improve your leadership.

Take the Test

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