Personal Values Exercise "Personal values are those things that are important to you. Think about what you believe and stand for, and your convictions about what is most important in life…. Values matter because what you deem important guides your behavior. Many people run into trouble when they start living and leading in ways that conflict with their values.” -Bob and Gregg Vanourek in "Triple Crown Leadership: Building Excellent, Ethical, and Enduring Organizations" One of the most powerful personal development practices we can engage in is discovering our core values—and living by them. This can improve all dimensions of our life and work. Instructions: Answer the questions below. Move briskly and don't agonize over any word or question. Questions 1 and 2 are required but feel free to skip any of the other questions if you wish. 1) Choose 10-20 words from the list below that reflect what you value most. Don't worry about what other people think or what you think your values should be. Focus on what is actually most important to you. Don't deliberate too long on any word. Move briskly and go with your gut. You can always revisit this again later. (Required)Personal Values 1 abundance accountability acceptance achievement adaptability advancement adventure advocacy affection authenticity autonomy balance beauty belonging caring challenge change collaboration comfort commitment communication community compassion competence competition connection consensus conviction cooperation country courage courtesy creativity curiosity dedication decisiveness democracy development dignity discipline diversity duty education effectiveness efficiency Personal Values 2 empathy empowerment enlightenment entrepreneurship environment equality equity ethics excellence excitement expertise fairness faith fame family fidelity flexibility forgiveness freedom friendship fun generosity God goodness grace gratitude greatness growth happiness harmony healing health helpfulness home honesty honor hope humility humor imagination impact inclusion independence individuality influence Personal Values 3 innovation integrity involvement joy justice kindness knowledge leadership learning legacy life love loyalty mastery meaning mercy merit money nature nirvana openness optimism order originality parenting partnership passion patience patriotism peace perfection perserverance personal development philanthropy play pleasure positive attitude power privacy productivity professionalism prosperity purpose quality recognition Personal Values 4 relationships reliability religion respect responsibility risk-taking safety sanctuary security self-expression self-worth serenity service sharing simplicity spirituality sportsmanship stability status stewardship strength success teamwork time tradition tranquility transparency travel trust truth understanding uniqueness unity variety vision vitality vulnerability wealth wellness wholeness winning wisdom wonder work other: Other Personal Values:2) Narrow down that list to your three to six core values. (Core values are the most essential values. They are the most important, central, foundational values, as opposed to intermediate or lower values.) (Required)2) Narrow down that list to your three to six core values. (Core values are the most essential values. They are the most important, central, foundational values, as opposed to intermediate or lower values.)(Required)3) Explain each core value with a clarifying sentence or phrase. If you wish, also add a sentence for each value to guide how you will behave (e.g., “Family: I will be present and supportive of my children, provide them with a safe and comfortable home, and provide them with a quality education and stimulating activities.”) Combine your values into a memorable acronym if you can.4) Think about a time in your life during which one of your core values was learned, tested, honored, or neglected—or a time when you drifted away from a core value. Write about it here, including the context, your actions, and your thoughts about them now.5) To what extent are you honoring and upholding your core values today? Explain.6) What more could you do to integrate your core values into your life and work? Ideate here without filtering.7) (Bias toward action): What specific actions will you take this week to start this?Name(Required) First Last Email(Required) Reminders Check this box to receive quarterly reminders to re-do this Personal Values Exercise in the future Share Results If you'd like to share your results, please enter a comma-separated list of emails. For example:, name2@email.comBy submitting this assessment you agree to receive email newsletters from You can unsubscribe at any time.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ