Books by the Authors:
- Triple Crown Leadership: Building Excellent, Ethical, and Enduring Organizations (Bob Vanourek and Gregg Vanourek). Champions a better brand of leadership that builds excellent, ethical, and enduring organizations. The book was a winner of the International Book Awards. It provides advanced leadership practices for sustainable high performance.
- LIFE Entrepreneurs: Ordinary People Creating Extraordinary Lives (Gregg Vanourek and Christopher Gergen). A clarion call for integrating our life and work with purpose and passion. It tells the stories of people who have intentionally and creatively designed their lives.
- Leadership Wisdom (Bob Vanourek). Discover the timeless, inspiring wisdom of leadership from the sage masters of literature and other outstanding leaders written over the centuries up to the present day.
- Charter Schools in Action: Renewing Public Education (Gregg Vanourek, Chester E. Finn, Jr., and Bruno V. Manno). Outlines a bold vision for how to renew public education with the needs of children, families, and educators in mind.

Book Chapters by the Authors:
- Bob Vanourek and Gregg Vanourek, “Stewards Build Trust,” Barbara Brooks Kimmel, editor, Trust, Inc.: Strategies for Building Your Company’s Most Valuable Asset.
- Bob Vanourek, “A Call for Values-Based Leadership,” James O’Toole and Don Mayer, editors, Good Business: Exercising Effective and Ethical Leadership.
- Gregg Vanourek and Christopher Gergen, “Dynamic Organizations for an Entrepreneurial Age,” in Organization of the Future 2: Visions, Strategies, and Insights on Managing in a New Era.
- Gregg Vanourek and Christopher Gergen, “Talent Development: Looking Outside the Education Sector,” in The Future of Educational Entrepreneurship.
- Bob Vanourek, “Servant Leadership and the Future,” Larry Spears, editor, Reflections on Leadership.

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Articles by the Authors (Highlights):
- “Setting Boundaries–Why It’s Hard and How to Do It,” Leaderonomics
- “The Powerful Practice of Acceptance,” Leaderonomics
- “How to Stop Our Negative Self-Talk: 15 Practices,” Leaderonomics
- “How to Stop Overthinking: 28 Practices,” Leaderonomics
- “The Common Traps of Living: Which Are You In?” Leaderonomics
- “El poder de las relaciones en nuestras vidas” (“The Power of Relationships in Our Lives”), Avant Ideas
- “The Trap of Being Unrealistic,” Leaderonomics
- “The Trap of Thinking It’s Too Late for Big Things in Our Lives,” Leaderonomics
- “The Trap of Living Someone Else’s Life,” Leaderonomics
- “Are We Numbing Our Lives Away?” Leaderonomics
- “Why Monkey Mind Is Worse Than You Think–And What to Do About It,” Leaderonomics
- “How to Overcome Feelings of Helplessness,” Leaderonomics
- “Are You Taking Shortcuts?”
- “Why Is Happiness So Elusive?” Leaderonomics
- “The Trap of Losing Yourself,” Leaderonomics
- “The Trap of Dissatisfaction–And Its Surprising Upside,” Leaderonomics
- “Great Leaders Develop People Intentionally,” Leaderonomics
- “How to Be More Decisive in Your Life & Leadership,” Leaderonomics
- “How to Give Effective Feedback,” Leaderonomics
- “Ten Steps for Employees to Lead from Below,” Leaderonomics
- “What This Pandemic Teaches Us About Business and Society,” Leaderonomics
- “Does Your Organization Have Culture Champions and Cultural Stewards?” Debbie Laskey’s Blog
- “Ten Steps For Employees To Lead From Below,” Leaderonomics
- “To Lead Others, Learn to Lead Yourself First,” Fast Company
- “The False Search for Great Leaders,” Leader to Leader
- “Is the Maverick at Your Company a Genius or a Jerk?” Fast Company
- “The Power of Leadership Trustees,” People and Strategy
- “LIFE Entrepreneurship: Leading Your Life,” Leader to Leader
- “In Search of ‘Triple Crown Leadership,'” CNBC Bullish on Books review
- “Triple Crown Leadership: Building Excellent, Ethical, and Enduring Organizations,” American Management Association
- “How to Find the People Who Are the Right Fit for Your Startup,” Fast Company
- “Built-to-Last Startups,” Overdrive
- “What This Pandemic Teaches Us about Business and Society,” Leaderonomics
- “What Getting Fired Taught This CEO,” Trust Across America
- “Exploring Servant Leadership,” ColoradoBiz
- “Organizing Your Team for High Performance,” ColoradoBiz
- “Gathering the Reins Through 3Es,” Focus Malaysia
- “Top Ten Goal-Setting Mistakes…,” ColoradoBiz
- “Ten Steps to Align Your Company for High Performance,” ColoradoBiz
- “Unleash Your Latent Leaders,” ColoradoBiz
- “The Hard and Soft Edges of Leadership,” ColoradoBiz
- “Hire and Promote for Head & Heart,” ColoradoBiz
- “Whose Vision Is It, Anyway?” ColoradoBiz
- “The Secret to Creating a High Performing Team,” ColoradoBiz
- “Trash that Mission Statement,” ColoradoBiz
- “Why Purpose is Better than Mission,” ATD
- “Lead Yourself First,” ColoradoBiz
- “Leading for the Long Term,” ATD
- “Audacious Leadership,” ColoradoBiz
- “Integrity is Imperative for High-Performing Teams,” ATD
- “Does Your Board Lead?” ColoradoBiz
- “How Alignment Can Make Your Organization Flow,” ThoughtLeaders
- “It’s Not Just a ‘Team Effort,'” Sources of Insight
- “Building A Sustainable Organisation,” Leaderonomics

Personal Values Exercise
Complete this exercise to identify your personal values. It will help you develop self-awareness, including clarity about what’s most important to you in life and work, and serve as a safe harbor for you to return to when things are tough.
Our Top Blogs on Leadership:
See our Best Articles page for all our best articles, grouped by category.
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- The Importance of Credibility in Leadership
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- Great Leaders Develop People Intentionally
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Our Top Blogs on Personal Development:
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- The Mental Prisons We Build for Ourselves
- The Trap of Caring Too Much about What Others Think
- Do You Have Margin in Your Life?
- Breaking the Trance of Unworthiness
- Tired of Settling? How to Light Your Life and Work on Fire
- The Surprising Relationship between Success and Happiness
Gregg’s writing has been published or reviewed in Bloomberg Businessweek, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, Harvard Business Review, Inc., Leader to Leader, New York Times, Publishers Weekly, U.S. News & World Report, Washington Post, Washington Times, CNBC.com, ColoradoBiz, Leaderonomics, People & Strategy, TLNT.com, and many more publications.